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The Advantages of a Career Job Working with Animals

Working with animals can be a very fulfilling career. There are numerous options available in Australia and the advantages can be tremendous. Studying a pathway towards a career job working with animals can lead to a wide range of job opportunities all over the world, with both national and international employers looking for people like you! There is bound to be an option that is ideal for you, whether you want to work with domestic or wild animals.

Here are some of the opportunities you may consider and the advantages of working with animals.

In a veterinary clinic

Working as a veterinarian or veterinary nurse involves working in a veterinary clinic, hospital, or research facility. You could be involved in animal preventative health care and treatment, diagnosis and treatment of sick animals, surgical procedures, lab testing and medication prescription. This is the ideal career for you if you are passionate about animal health.

At a shelter or sanctuary

If you’re more interested in working with animals on a more general level, then roles such as animal carer, kennel attendant and shelter worker could be better suited to you. These positions can involve cleaning cages and feeding animals, walking dogs, exercising horses and providing basic first aid. Sanctuaries also often require volunteers to help out with tasks such as socialising rescued animals, fundraising and administrative work.

At a zoo

Working with animals at a zoo can include everything from caring for them to educating visitors on them. At a zoo, you can work as a zookeeper, curator, ranger, or veterinarian, among other positions. A career as a zookeeper, for example, could see you caring for wild or exotic animals in zoos all over Australia. This is one of the most prosperous jobs working with animals, with opportunities for further education and management positions with other wildlife and conservation organisations. This means that if you want to advance in the industry, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

As a trainer

If you work as an animal trainer, you’ll spend your days teaching and training other people how to properly care for their pets. A dog trainer’s job is to encourage good behaviour in dogs and their owners. This is another great option for you if you love dogs and want to ensure that they are well-behaved members of society while also assisting their owners in bettering their relationship with them.

In a dog grooming salon

Working as a dog groomer allows you to interact with animals while also providing a valuable service to pet owners. Groomers are in charge of keeping dogs clean and healthy, which includes everything from cutting their hair to bathing them. This is the job for you if you enjoy making our best friends look their best!

Pet Certified Australia’s team is passionate about pets and the people who care for them. Our mission is to educate, train and develop the modern workforce in the pet industry. Training and education is a journey and a requirement for jobs with animals, contact our team today for more information on our vet nursing courses and how we can best assist you on your journey towards your passion. 

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