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Deadly Keeper: Inspiring future custodians and showcasing native Australian animals through interactive education

Deadly Keeper is the stories and the connections of a local Pitta Pitta man who is passionate about fostering a strong connection between Indigenous youth and their country.

The Deadly Keeper’s mission is to inspire future custodians of the land through an immersive and interactive educational handling experience with Australian wildlife. He is passionate about educating people of all ages about the fascinating and unique wildlife that exists right here in Australia, so that they may learn about it, get to know it, become involved in it and, ultimately, love it.

The benefits of interactive education through wildlife encounters 

Deadly Keeper is a dedicated Indigenous educator working to ensure that the next generation of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians have a strong connection to the country’s wild animals. His teachings intend to inspire awe and wonder, spark an interest in conservation, encourage people to get outside and appreciate nature, promote healthy lifestyles, inspire people to pursue their passions and connect people with their country.

School incursions, in particular, provide students with an excellent opportunity to get up close and personal with native Australian animals. This not only provides an unforgettable educational experience but also helps to foster a love and appreciation for the local fauna. Wild animals in Australia come in all shapes and sizes and each one has its own story to tell. Through Deadly Keeper, we can learn more about Australian culture and the environment in which we live.

The importance of Indigenous education in Australia

A primary goal of Deadly Keepers is to inspire future custodians of our land through informative and passionate Indigenous education. The Australian Indigenous culture is deeply rooted in the land, and Deadly Keeper works to ensure that this way of life is passed down to future generations. His sessions provide students with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the country’s Indigenous culture and are an invaluable way to instil a love of our heritage, native wildlife and a deeper understanding of the country’s Indigenous history.

Wildlife, up close and personal

Through meaningful, powerful presentations, Deadly Keeper offers an immersive experience and up-close interaction with Australia’s native wildlife. Our presentations emphasise the cultural significance of Australian wildlife and their roles in traditional Indigenous stories. You’ll learn about the problems that our native animals face and what we can do to help them. We also teach guests how to respect and appreciate our wildlife, regardless of whether they are dangerous or not. Deadly Keeper has a wealth of knowledge and experience handling reptiles and other animals, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands!

If you’re looking for an exciting, informative and unique experience, Deadly Keeper is the perfect choice for you. Deadly Keeper offers interactive educational presentations throughout South East Queensland, so please get in touch today to book your place!

Pet Certified Australia is passionate about pets and the people who care for them. Our mission is to educate, train and develop the modern workforce in the pet industry. Training and education is a journey and a requirement for jobs with animals, contact our team today for more information on our courses and how we can best assist you on your journey towards your passion. 

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